Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lancaster County Farm

Farm in Lancaster County, PA near the town of Paradise.

Lancaster, PA

Pennsylvania Museums - Lackawanna Mine Tour

Bucyrus Shovel near the entrance to the Lackawanna Mine Tour in McDade Park, near Scranton. Between April and late November each year, visitors can take a mantrip car down some 300 feet into the #190 Slope Mine. Just up the hill is the Anthracite Heritage Museum.

Coal Tipple adjacent to the #190 slope entrance

Pennsylvania Trains - Reading 2124 at Steamtown

Reading T1 2124, a 4-8-4 Northern at Steamtown in Scranton. The T1 class locomotives were built in 1945-47 using components from Reading 2-80s. The Reading used several T1s for steam "rambles" in the 1960s after the road dieselized.

Reading T1 photos & models


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fleming Family Genealogy in PA

Headstones at Sewickley Cemetery

Walter R. Fleming 1878-1901

Sarah A. Fleming 1828-1906

Cochran Fleming 1828-1917

Mary E. Fleming 1852-1890

Sewickley (PA) (Postcard History Series)